Armand & Angelina - Classical Pop Music Duo

"Hi Unity Friends; If you missed the service at Unity today, you missed what IMHO is the very best service we ever had in the last 10 years! Armand and Angelina provided an absolutely amazing service including the message, the music and the meditation. It was fun, uplifting, humorous and spiritual all at the same time. What a total joy."

Love and blessings, Rev. Margo Ford/Unity Spiritual Center of Waco

"Wow! What a beautiful recording you have made! The sound quality is awesome, the instrumentals superb, and both of your voices have never sounded better. And, oh, the gorgeous, sumptuous pictures! What a delicious treat to have your music from the Lightworkers Conference so impeccably preserved. And then it gets even better, because Angelina gets to sing with herself! I had to laugh when I heard Finally Found Someone. Listening to the words I was wondering if your evil twins recorded it and snuck it in, but then, well, you know. Brilliant! Like a Dove bar is "yummy on a stick," A Time for Us is Love on a CD. Delectable, touching and irresistible! Thank you for following your hearts."

Peace and Love, Carol...Houston, TX

"WOW! Your new CD just caught up to me (I've moved), and I listened - or I should say experienced - it last night to the fullest ( with headphones on). Unbelievably incredible!!! The entire package of incredibly talented musicians, voices of love from heaven itself, and pictures of two people who are so beautiful on the inside that it just bursts out and radiates everywhere for all to see --- what a magnificent manifestation of your mission to unite humanity through music!!! I am literally blown away! So different from the concert at Unity Christ Church in Kennesaw GA, and yet not. It's more of an extension, a natural outgrowth, of the passions of 2 people who are so in God's love that it just shines, shines, shines, and grows and grows and grows. You are incredibly blessed. And we who are privileged to hear your music - or better yet, to see you in person - well, we are also incredibly blessed. I pray you HUGE amounts of success in everything you say, do, think and feel. And I say, "Thank you" from the bottom of my heart for being Who you really are, and sharing your gifts so lovingly with the rest of us. God bless you forever."

Much love! Joen B.

"I was so happy to have had the opportunity to listen and meet two such high caliber, talented, charismatic, professional New Age performers; I love your voices and pop/classical music! And then to experience your full-rounded entertainment skills as New Age comedians and inspiring speakers, also, was truly AWESOME! SUPERB! May the whole world hear you touching each of our hearts profoundly and joyously."

."treated like stars." .and so you should be - you are stars, in the best and brightest definition of that term. Actually more than that: You bring light and love wherever you go, and that's just when you walk through the door! When you perform, well, that's when the supernova occurs. And, since we're on this astronomical analogy, I should be correct about it and explain (something I'm sure you already know...) that a supernova is a spectacular event - probably the most brilliant event in the universe (since the big bang...) and it occurs at the end of a giant star's life. That event, occurring over and over again, consistently, doesn't exist in cosmological terminology - or in the cosmos - but, here, it really applies to what you do, each and every time you perform, with your music, your humor, your joy and your love. Thank you for brightening our event in such a spectacular way.

Marlene, Spirit of Light Expo, Pensacola

"Thank you for bringing your enthusiasm and wonderful spirits to share with us last week end, it was the most uplifting and heartfelt experience we have had at Unity in a long time. Your sincerity, your presence, your fun loving laughter touched every soul present. Your gifts and talents were greatly appreciated and we feel so fortunate to have experienced them at this time when things are not so harmonious. You all said you have never done the Monday night program before and I must say you need to repeat it many more times. To pray, mediate and laugh is the greatest medicine there is.

We send our Love and Blessings to you Armand and to you Sweet Angel Angelina"

P.S. I am enjoying practicing the flute, maybe someday I will sound a little like you Armand!!

Judy T./Unity of Charlotte

"I just wanted to write and let you know what an inspiration your music is, and how much I really appreciate that you came to Pensacola a couple months ago and shared your music with all of us at Unity Church. I enjoyed your music so much over the following weeks, I started playing it in my truck at work as I drive from job to job each day. It really helps me put the troubles of a day into perspective and stay focused on what's important while letting the trivial and the negative things fall aside where they belong. Even my coworkers have noticed a difference in my demeanor, and I attribute much of that to the positive and upbeat nature of you music. Thank you again for your music and your message."

Many Blessings, Tom Bossa; Pensacola, FL

"I was so pleased to have Armand and Angelina share music for my seminar. They bring talent, vision and heart, and touched the audience in an important way. Their music is a gift and a delight."

Alan Cohen, author of "The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore"

"I have served in the field of Unity ministry for over thirty years. I believe that the mission of this ministry is the presentation and celebration of the foundational Unity teachings in a joyous, positive way, that is in integrity with the highest standards of our movement. During these thirty years, I can count on my ten fingers the individuals that I have felt comfortable entrusting with my Sunday lesson. I count Armand and Angelina among them. In fact, when I know that I am to be called away over a Sunday, I call them first. I am always delighted to be permitted to say a good word in their behalf, and feel confident that they will be a blessing to you."

Love and Light, Leddy Hammock, Unity Church of Clearwater - Spring, 2004

"I've spent the last two days playing and replaying all of your music. Thank you again for what you do for others with your music and ministry.....I should be healed of everything !!!"

Peace, Love and Light, Martha Flemming

"I have been deeply entrenched in listening to your heavenly music. Spheres of angels could not sing more to the heart what your music feeds to mine. Afterall, you both are angels.

Your music has given me a connection. A connection to my own dreams in the reality of life. The two of you are not only very gifted, your presence transmits a high velocity radiant love. It is that love that I felt so deeply. You have reminded me of the knowing that I too can find my true love as the two of you have in each other. I would love to see so many more experience the love that your ministry is giving."

Namaste, Almagi

"Our people always love having Armand & Angelina for special music or in concert. However, we were especially impressed when they conducted the Sunday morning services. Our congregation gave them rave reviews, declaring their presentation to be deeply meaningful and a very spiritual experience! Without hesitation, I recommend them to you."

Rev. Robert L. Marshall, Unity Church of Christianity - Orlando, Florida

"The music of Armand and Angelina will lift your heart and give you a sacred experience with angelic dimensions."

Jerry Jampolsky, M.D. and Diane Cirincione, Ph.D. author of "Love Is Letting Go of Fear"

"Armand and Angelina are not only accomplished musicians, but as a team, they are a refreshing experience. They see the joy in being fully alive and totally uninhibited, and unabashedly share their enthusiasm, profound wisdom, and musical talent. By listening to Angelina's beautiful voice and Armand's wit and delightful sense of humor one comes away feeling blessed, uplifted, and truly loved."

. Jack Graf, Minister, Unity Church of Raleigh

"I was recently visited by an angel. Much like Clarence, the angel in "It's a Wonderful Life", this was a rather unlikely looking angel also. His name: ARMAND. I was later visited by a second angel. This one looked considerably more angelic. Her name: ANGELINA. These two angels opened their hearts, and music poured out touching my heart. I was able to heal. I was able to love. Together they have enabled me to change my life in more ways I could ever imagined possible. Angels ARMAND and ANGELINA have most certainly earned their wings."

Stan Lubowicki, Author, Healer

"You will experience Snickers and Armand Joy."

Swami Beyondananda

"If you don't believe in angels, you haven't heard Angelina sing."

Elida Rae, Artist

"What a joyful experience it was to meet, see, and have you perform for us. When I first saw Angelina, the word ANGEL, ANGEL kept crossing my mind. Your presentation at our conference was truly a divinely inspired experience. The two of you set the tone for our whole conference."

Rev. Tyler D. Clements

"What an absolute joy is was to have you here for a Sunday service and concert. The addition of Angelina kept us floating between meditative bliss and roaring laughter. What an awesome team you make."

Allison Mann, Youth Minister

"Your talent, energy, and vibrancy are gifts to this planet. Thank you for sharing them with us."

Rev. Susan Wyllie, Unity Church of Peace

"Armand's kaleidoscopic performance invites us to look at our weaknesses with gentle humor and guides us to see the light that is within. Besides a few hours of fabulous entertainment, we find ourselves with food for thought that fills our souls long after the notes have ended."

Rev. Donna Mauer, Genesis Church of Religious Science

© Copyright 2018 Armand & Angelina